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Feel free to drop by our office any time or contact us at the address below. Our pastor's and lay training center will be opening soon with classes to help mentor the church and future pastors in the way of the Lord.

The Landing Place Fellowship is a member of the Free Methodist Church USA and of the Acts 12:24 Conference.

Contact Us

Drop by or give us a call

Please feel free to contact us for any questions or for prayer requests. You may also follow us on Facebook by clicking on the Facebook tab at the bottom of the page. We would love to hear from you!

Pastor Rich Martin

Office: 13195 Warwick Blvd., Suite 1F

We are currently meeting at 34 Research Drive, Hampton, VA. (See map below)

We meet at 10 am on Sundays



Email Address*


Use the contact form or contact pastor Rich direct at You may ask questions or ask for prayer. If you have a prayer request, it will be written down in our prayer book and prayed over. We believe in the power of prayer, and we believe prayer is every person's direct contact to the living God, our Father. When we call out to God with a truthful heart, He hears us.


The Landing Place Fellowship: 757-897-8958

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